Vídeos de FLUJO : Brocode - Python
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Python - 15 vidéos
Start coding with PYTHON in 5 minutes! 🐍
Learn Python VARIABLES in 10 minutes! ❎
Type casting in Python is easy 💱
User input in Python is easy + exercises ⌨️
Math in Python is easy + exercises 📐
If statements in Python are easy (if, elif, else) 🤔
Let's code a simple python CALCULATOR! 🧮
Python weight conversion exercise 🏋️
Python temperature conversion program 🌡️
Logical operators in Python are easy 🔣
Learn Python CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS in 5 minutes! ❓
String methods in Python are easy 〰️
String indexing in Python is easy ✂️
Python email slicer exercise 📧
Format specifiers in Python are awesome 💬